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what animals does climate change affect most?
What successes have you achieved so far?
Are there common misconceptions about your area of research that you wish more people understood? (2 Comments)
How close are we to fully understanding the human genome and its implications for medicine? (1 Comment)
Why do people get cancer even if their healthy and fit and all? (1 Comment)
how is methane 30 percent of the climate change ptoblem
how many years until the sea levelds rise to cover all the land
how will climate change affect us in the future (1 Comment)
how long did it take you to become a scientist??
how do volcanos work
Recent Comments
What made you want to become a scientist? did you always know thats what you wanted to do? (1 comment)
how will climate change affect us in the future (1 comment)
Was being a scientist the first job you wanted to do? (1 comment)
Why do people get cancer even if their healthy and fit and all? (1 comment)
How close are we to fully understanding the human genome and its implications for medicine? (1 comment)