Curiosity. There’s just so much we still don’t know about our world and for me, the bacteria that exists and survives in our environments and food. I actually didn’t know I would end up a scientist, but once I got into research, it was all I wanted to do really.
I always wanted to explore and learn new things. As I went through secondary school before college, I considered this and also asked others questions. However, what sealed the deal was visiting a research centre as part of a school trip. Then, I knew what kind of work I’d like to do and where I’d like to work.
joanalaboson commented on :
I always wanted to explore and learn new things. As I went through secondary school before college, I considered this and also asked others questions. However, what sealed the deal was visiting a research centre as part of a school trip. Then, I knew what kind of work I’d like to do and where I’d like to work.